Hygiene-Pail® meets HACCP guidelines as dedicated-use, labeled containers for cleaning and sanitizing solutions. Color-coding helps minimize any potential confusion between cleaning and sanitizing solutions for your cleaning cloths. Use green Hygiene-Pails® for cleaning solutions and red Hygiene-Pails® for sanitizing solution. The pails are available in 3Qt and 6Qt sizes for front and back of house applications.¶¶· Color code reduces risks of cross-contamination¶· These cleaning pails are made from a high-density polypropylene with metal handle¶· Meet HACCP dedicated use guidelines¶· Red commonly used for sanitizing, green for cleaning
Globe Commercial 6Qt Sanitizing Hygiene-Pail®
Đặt mua Globe Commercial 6Qt Sanitizing Hygiene-Pail®

Globe Commercial 6Qt Sanitizing Hygiene-Pail®
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