The M-Tech Microfibre Dust Mop is made of durable yarn that attracts and retains dust. It is offered in four colours for use in institutions where colour-coding is used, as in HACCP programs. Ideal for high traffic environments, the M-Tech microfiber dust mop can withstand heavy use. The key-hole backing is made to fit with a 5″ Clipper dust mop frame or a Snapper dust mop frame.¶¶· Cut end fibres¶· Keyhole, tie-on style backing¶· Launderable¶· Available in 18″, 24″, 36″, 48″, 60″ or 72″¶· Available in blue, green, red and yellow
M2 Professional M-Tech 24″ Red Microfibre Dust Mop
Đặt mua M2 Professional M-Tech 24" Red Microfibre Dust Mop

M2 Professional M-Tech 24" Red Microfibre Dust Mop
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